Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ron Foster on Common Sense Prepping!
 ommon Sense Prepping radio show guest this week is Ron Foster. The popular prepper fiction writer also boasts decades as an emergency disaster professional. Foster, known as the Solar Prepper, on Twitter, will be discussing the power grid, EMPs, solar flare dangers during the episode, as well as how to prepare for such man-mad and natural disasters. Solar flares and threats of an EMP attack by North Korea are weighing on the minds of many right now. Either one of those disaster scenarios could significantly impact our power grid and change life as we know it.
Ron FosterRon Foster is the author of the popular prepper and survival series, The Prepper Trilogy. In addition to holding several master’s degrees in emergency management related fields, Foster also brings real-life disaster experience to the table. The author’s academic credentials include certificates in Global Security and Terrorism Studies, Law and Public Safety, Displaced Persons, School Security and Safety Administration, and Non-Profit Organization, Administrative Science, and Emergency Management Administration.

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